
Unlock the Benefits
of e-invoicing

E-invoicing is a modern and efficient way of managing invoices and payments. It streamlines the process of creating, sending, and receiving invoices, making it easier for companies to keep track of their finances.

E-invoicing also reduces the amount of paperwork and manual data entry, saving time and money.

Additionally, e-invoicing is more secure than traditional methods, as it uses digital signatures and encryption to protect sensitive data.


Global e-invoicing
is on the rise.

Electronic invoicing is quickly becoming the norm in business transactions across the world. With organizations increasingly turning to digital solutions, e-invoicing has become an attractive solution for its cost-effectiveness and ease of use.

Moreover, it enables organizations to stay up-to-date with their accounting and manage their finances more efficiently. With global regulations and compliance requirements evolving rapidly, e-invoicing helps companies ensure they are operating in accordance with the latest legislation. Furthermore, e-invoicing helps businesses reduce their environmental impact, as the paperless process eliminates the need for paper documents.

The Age of Eco-Habits

Embrace Eco-Friendliness with e-Invoicing!

e-invoicing is a great way to help reduce your company's carbon footprint. Electronic invoices are paperless, which helps to reduce emissions associated with the production and consumption of paper documents.

E-invoicing also reduces the amount of energy used in transporting documents, as they can be sent electronically. Furthermore, e-invoicing eliminates the need for ink and other supplies that are used in traditional invoicing processes. In addition, electronic invoices are easier to store, which helps to reduce storage costs.

All of these factors contribute to a decreased environmental impact, making e-invoicing an ideal solution for businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

How it work


The ever-changing construction environment makes it hard to standardize processes, limiting teams and companies. We offer small, effective solutions to help form a pipeline.

Invoice SynchronizationAccountable & Receivable

Invoice synchronization streamlines ERP workflows, saving time and money. Automation ensures accuracy and security. Real-time visibility into the invoice process allows companies to monitor performance and payments progress.

Invoice Sync AlertsE-mail/SMS/Web Push

Invoice sync notifications keep businesses updated on the status of incoming and outgoing invoices, allowing them to quickly identify and address any issues.

MetaDataWorkflows, Statuses

Metadata added to ERP invoice workflows boosts efficiency and accuracy. Metadata also marks each invoice as unique, enabling easy identification and tracking. Automating tasks and creating a streamlined workflow increases accuracy, reduces errors, and saves time.

Evolution not Revolution

Constream Ecosystem

We are creating a system of specialized applications that use a unique technology and knowledge platform to support the key processes and value creation chains of the construction industry.


We assign invoices to projects to help manage costs and ensure efficient project management.


Invoices can be audited throughout their entire lifecycle thanks to the tamper-proof ledger solution.


In Constream, invoices can be allocated to different approval workflows, allowing for more control and precision in the payment process.


Gathered invoices form the basis for Business Intelligence tools to analyze synchronized financial data, giving businesses insights into their financial performance, trends, and better decision-making.


Track e-Invoice Implementation in Poland.

The EU Council's decision allows Poland to make e-invoices mandatory from July 1, 2024.

Stage 1
End of 2021
Passage by the Sejm of a law (on goods and services tax) on the introduction of the National e-Invoicing System and the issuance of structured invoices.From October to December 2021, the introduction of a pilot with taxpayers.
Stage 2
January 2022
As of January 1, 2022, the National e-Invoicing System was launched as a voluntary solution. As of this moment, it is possible to issue structured invoices within the National e-Invoice System (KSeF).
Stage 3
July 1st, 2024
Deadline for making KSeF mandatory.
Download Documents

Read Our Documents

Here you can find our full documents that will help you understand more about us and our product.

Constream Whitepaper


Our roadmap outlines the solutions we are working on and the features that will be unlocked in the future. Here you can find out what we have achieved so far and what is coming next.

2022 Q2Concept
  • Concept Generation
  • API Provider
2022 Q4MVP
  • Providing the concept can work
  • Strategic Plan
  • Whitepaper completion
2023 JanLaunch
  • Integration with KSeF
  • Synchronize Invoices
2023 FebNotification System
  • Instant E-Mail Notification
  • Instant Text Messages
2023 Q1MetaData
  • Adding Extra Parameters to Invoices
  • Assign Invoices to Projects & Tasks
2023 AprApproval Workflow
  • Assign approval business logic
2023 Q2Ledger Connections
  • Multi-tenancy Data Exchange

Get In Touch

Got any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us and we'll get back to you soon!
